Good Morning, Everyone! Today I wanted to share with you a post I made to my personal Facebook Page last week:
I took this portrait a few years ago, and it has always been one of my all time favorites, so I wanted to share it with you all again. Today I said goodbye to this beautiful woman. For 7 years Ingrid fought the battle against Ovarian Cancer courageously. It was heartwarming tonight to see her legacy through photographs. I was honored that I had been able to contribute to that documentation of her life. So tonight I ask you all to PLEASE- Get. In. The. Picture. It’s so important. Take photos WITH your kids. WITH your family. WITH your friends. These images will mean so much to people for years to come. They will bring comfort to those you loved. They will be your legacy. Don’t wait. Start doing it now.It was my personal “PSA” if you will, about how we all need to get in the picture more. I am sharing it here in hopes that it may reach a wider audience. It is something that I truly believe in, and something that I too need to work at being better with. And let me clarify- I’m not just talking about your annual Family Photo Session, I am also talking about everyday life. Documenting you with your children, family, and friends doing everyday things. You know, all those little things that will be the things you miss when they get older. Capture them now to preserve those memories! After I posted the status above, I was touched by what some people were saying when they reached out to me. I’d like to share one of the messages here:
“Thought you would like to know that your recent post has really changed my outlook. I don’t get in the picture much because I’m not very photogenic. But you gave me a whole new perspective. It’s not about my looks or my opinion about it. My kids love me regardless. And when I’m gone, my kids would really love to see photos of their mother. Thank you for the perspective. ”
That note above made my day! Even reaching one person who might think about things differently is a success in my book. And what she said is so true- Your kids (or family and friends) won’t care what you look like in those photos- they will just be happy that you are in them. With them. When I was watching that slide show that Ingrid’s family prepared with such love, I was so amazed that she was really represented in all stages of her life. When she was sick, as well as when she was healthy. It didn’t matter that her head was wrapped in a scarf, that beautiful smile and glow she had while holding her children in those pictures are what I saw, and I am pretty sure that is what everyone else saw, too.
I have a little request of everyone who reads this- This week make an effort to get at least one photo with yourself and people you care about. I’m just asking for one. Then next week, go for another. Soon it will become second nature. Hand your camera to your significant other and have them take it. Have your kids take the pictures, too. Set up a tripod and use the timer if you need to. There’s always a way. And just to show you that I am not all preach and no practice, I did it this past weekend. I set up my tripod and captured some shots with my sons. And I am so happy I did.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this post on a subject that means so much to me. If you feel so inclined, I ask that you share it with others so that we can get as many people as possible getting in the pictures. Future generations will thank you. I promise.
Jodi - I am in a Facebook group of all kids born the same month as my twins. For 3 years now we have mom and me Monday where we post pictures of us with our kids, even if it is a selfie. I love it because it forces me to be in the picture. I have now started in several of my local groups as well.